I can take forever to do anything. I’ll walk around it a few times. Call friends and complain until they tell me to get on with it or get off the phone. By the time I’ve walked circles around my desk I ask myself, “Who’s the best to help me teach what I love most?
I chose the answer after combing through every option: Teachable.
I love writing – everything about it. It evolves and spins off to involve new flavors. The grammar is pure. (You can find yourself in a fist fight over the Oxford comma. I promise you. Choose wisely.) There are foundational pieces that build a strong core for professional writers. The figure you sculpt from that is all your own.
Teaching is as much a part of me as writing. There isn’t one without the other. I think that, Know what you love and teach it with the same vigor and professionalism. Go all in or don’t bother. Lighting mental candles is good in the world.
Creative writing broke me out of my shell within autism. I do not know how it all works. I know that my diagnosis at age 39 clarified my quirks. The social anxiety. Misreading social cues to be painfully awkward. Digesting sensory information in shockwaves takes a good while to swallow. Writing about it wrestles up stress in my chest, but, and this is a pretty big but, when you write it out it sometimes lets more light in. A quiet light. A keyhole into a world that makes sense.
So, how do I take poetry tutorials from my Noetic series, blend them with training gained at the UCLA Writer’s Extension Program, twenty years of tutoring, a successful writing career, and reach more people? Many Have the whimsy and dedication needed to boost into the professional world of letters. “The Working Writer” is a series on Teachable dedicated to lighting the way.
Writing gave, and gives, my “spectrum stress” ease. The issues that cause us so much frustration, often triggering tics or verbal outbursts – I understand that. I don’t have a degree in the science of life on the spectrum. However, I do know how to live within it. I don’t make extravagant promises. If you’re not happy your money is absolutely refundable. “Adulting with Autism” covers the coping skills I’ve developed. And like all my courses, I value your input on where to take this journey.
Want to get to know me first? I have a coaching option in a bundle deal or on its own. My coaching varies to your needs. I’ll be straight with you on my abilities and we’ll work out a way to learn that suits us both. It’s my goal to give the most knowledge while saving you the most money.
Would You Like More Reasons to Love Teachable:
- Extremely affordable.
- Easy to use platform.
- Quick and professional support team.
- Tutorials.
- The Accelerator Program going on right now!
Be an idealist. Believe in yourself and what you can bring to those looking for a new passion. If you want to change the world, educate it. I’ve taught all my adult life and Teachable helps me stay on track.